Paul Klee art, prints & posters. Klee is known for his simple stick figures, suspended fish, moon faces, eyes, arrows, and quilts of color. He did lots of color theory, abstract art, surrealism and cubism.

Sale priceFrom £24.99
The Golden Fish Canvas Print, Abstract Art Canvas, Paul Klee, The Gold Fish Canvas

Sale priceFrom £22.99
Fish Magic Canvas Print, Paul Klee Canvass Abstract Fish Magic Art

Sale priceFrom £22.99
Boy In A Fancy Dress Canvas Print, Paul Klee Canvass Abstract Boy Fancy Dress Art

Sale priceFrom £12.99
The Seafarer Poster, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Seafarer Art

Sale priceFrom £12.99
Terraced Garden Poster, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Terraced Garden Art

Sale priceFrom £12.99
The Golden Fish Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee, The Gold Fish Print

Sale priceFrom £12.99
Rubber Duck Poster, Paul Klee Small Garden Ghost Print, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Art

Sale priceFrom £12.99
Paul Klee Strange Garden Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee Prints

Sale priceFrom £10.50
Abstract Witch Poster, Paul Klee Witch Comb Print, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Witch Art

Sale priceFrom £9.99
Paul Klee Dry Cooler Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee Prints

Sale priceFrom £9.99
Paul Klee Yellow Half Moon And The Y Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee Prints

Sale priceFrom £9.99
Boy In A Fancy Dress Poster, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Boy Fancy Dress Art

Sale priceFrom £9.99
Harbinger Of Autumn Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee, Harbinger Of Autumn Print

Sale priceFrom £9.99
Fish Magic Poster, Paul Klee Prints Abstract Fish Magic Art

Sale priceFrom £9.99
The Hypocrites Poster, Abstract Art Print, Paul Klee, The Hypocrites Print